Isnin, 24 Disember 2012

Yvonne Ridley: Hidayah untuk Seorang Wartawan

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( KISAH NYATA UNIK ) MENGENAL ISLAM DARI TALIBAN - Gimana rasanya jika ditawan atau ditangkap musuh? Mungkin susah untuk membayangkan nasib anda akan berakhir pada sebuah kebahagiaan. Apalagi, jika menghadapi tuduhan sebagai mata-mata, penyusup, dan lain sebagainya. Namun, tidak demikian dengan apa yang dirasakan Yvonne Ridley, wartawati Inggris. Perempuan paruh baya ini justru mengaku bahagia setelah ditangkap dan diinterogasi pasukan Taliban yang oleh media masa Amerika Serikat, digambarkan sebagai kelompok Islam garis keras dan kejam. (bacaan lanjut sila ke link diatas: Yusuf Mansur)


Conversion to Islam

According to her own account after her release, during her captivity she was asked by one of her captors to convert to Islam; she refused, but gave her word she would read theQur'an after her release.
In freedom, she kept this promise; she said partly to find out why the Taliban treated women as they do.[37] She said it changed her life.[38]
The Qur'an, she says describing the holy book of Islam, is a "magna carta for women".[39] She converted to Islam in the summer of 2003, stating that her new faith has helped put behind her broken marriages and a reputation as the "Patsy Stone of Fleet Street." When comparing her treatment to female prisoners' held in American custody, such as Aafia Siddiqui, she said that in Taliban's custody she was given her full privacy as a woman, and was handed the key to the door of her cell to lock from the inside.[40] In 2004, she described her journey of faith for the BBC's religion site (see A Muslim in the Family), as well as in other publications and on other occasions in which she emerged as a "fierce critic of the West".[41]

 >>> >>>> Ini adalah web Yvone Ridley. Kalau rajin bacalah, sebab kita dapat tau banyak benda, dapat belajar banyak benda dari hasil karya tulisan beliau. 

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Barack Obama: an out of control psychopath with a God complex (1st June 2012 )

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